Wednesday 17 April 2013

Brazilian Traditions

The heterogeneous mix of people that makes up modern Brazil has, over the years, produced many fascinating traditions handed down from generation to generation.

Brazilian Traditions

  • Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art practised widely, but whose origins lie with the African sections of the populace. Black slaves learnt the art as a means of self-defence and self-discipline to help tolerate the tough lives they led under the plantation owners.
  • Soccer is a sport which, although invented in Britain, has found popularity worldwide and in particular in Brazil. Arguably, some of the best teams and players the sport has ever seen have come from Brazil. Heroes such as Pele have inspired generations of poor yet passionate Brazilians to take up the sport and dream of achieving success.
  • Brazil is predominantly a Catholic country, but the diversity of its people often manifests itself in a unique mix of religious practises, such as Candomble for example. This is a fusion of African and Catholic religious doctrine and is only found in Brazil.
  • Brazil is famous for its carnivals and celebrations, again representing the fusion of African, Portuguese and native Indian cultures. Lemanja is a celebration observed by followers of the Candomble religion. Thousands of worshippers line the beach at Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro to give thanks to the goddess of the seas. They wear white and offer flowers and gifts by placing them in the sea. Salvador is the location for Boa Morte, a three day religious celebration combining music, dance and religion. The name literally translates as “Beautiful Death”.
  • The Samba is a distinctively Brazilian style of music and has its historical roots in the traditions of the Bantu people who came to Brazil from Angola in Africa. Samba music is characterised by a strong beat accompanied by a guitar and has influenced other forms of Brazilian music such as Bossa Nova. It remains a very popular form of traditional music for many Brazilians.

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