Wednesday 17 April 2013

Funny traditions of your and your spouse or SO

  1. #1
    Low Tech grunt iris lily's Avatar
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    Funny traditions of your and your spouse or SO

    DH and I have a ritual that makes me laugh every time: we stick out our tongues at each other when we pass each other in our neighborhood.

    Because we both work close to home and have our extra garden plots nearby, one of us is always walking or driving around for the other one to see. It is stupid but I laugh when we do it!

    Over to you, what to you guys do?
  2. #2
    Senior Member Mighty Frugal's Avatar
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    When the situation warrants it we quote old (pre 1999) Simpsons (TV show) Lines. Really obscure ones that nobody else remembers.
    For instance, if he tells me about a deal somewhere I will usually reply with
    'what time and how burnt?'

    When there is a mob scene he will say
    'and here comes the pretzels'

    cracks me up
  3. #3
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    We both are avid readers and have pretty big vocabularies so we like to use big random words. But we especially like to purposely mispronounce words or abbreviations. Like "pecan" nuts. Instead of saying it the northern way of pee-can or southern - pe-cahn, he's got me saying "peck-in". I couldn't even order a piece of pie one day since I couldn't say it correctly. Same thing with jalapenos - we use the "j" sound, so I almost said this at the sandwich shop. Anything French or Spanish and certain English words - anything where saying it phonetically is wrong and sounds stupid - that's what we do. Can't think of too many examples right now.
  4. #4
    Moderator Mrs-M's Avatar
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    Lots of fun! DH and I pinch each other on the bum. (Gently and playfully, non-hurtful). We've been doing it to each other for years, and like to do it when the other least expects it.
  5. #5
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    if we say the same word at the same time we hold up our pinky fingers to link together and make this sound.

    Eeee ee eeee ee eeeee ee, kinda like a saw.
  6. #6
    Senior Member Wildflower's Avatar
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    These are all so funny!!

    If no one else is around we smack each other on the butt when we pass in the hallway. I know, crazy....

    We blow kisses at each other across the living room alot too.
  7. #7
    Moderator Mrs-M's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Wildflower.
    we smack each other on the butt
    LMAO! Not crazy at all. We've been known to do the same.
  8. #8
    Senior Member Bastelmutti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mighty Frugal View Post
    When the situation warrants it we quote old (pre 1999) Simpsons (TV show) Lines. Really obscure ones that nobody else remembers.
    For instance, if he tells me about a deal somewhere I will usually reply with
    'what time and how burnt?'

    When there is a mob scene he will say
    'and here comes the pretzels'

    cracks me up
    Queen of the harpies! (said jokingly, of course)
    "Whale of a wife" was a joke when I was pregnant - from a cake Homer gives Marge
  9. #9
    Senior Member treehugger's Avatar
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    We quote movies and TV shows to each other a lot, too.

    I also like to make inanimate objects talk and have personalities. My DH is so used to this that it doesn't phase him in the slightest (he knows I am a nut). But the other night, I made pita bread and then for some reason, I was moved to make the pita bread call him a bastard (it had a mouth, after all!) and then it apologized to him and gave him a kiss (yeah, I know I'm a nut). What was so funny was that actually took DH by surprise. I didn't know I could do anything that could still surprise him after all these years!

    A big one for us is hard to describe to outsiders, but it's actually one of our secrets to a good marriage. Years ago, we were arguing with each other late one night, about who knows what, probably nothing important. I asked him a question, and he shot back, "Because you're dumb!" This struck me so funny that I started laughing hysterically and he joined me. Fight over.

    So now, whenever we recognize that we are squabbling over something silly, one will announce, "Because you're dumb!" and that brings us right into the moment and instantly reminds us that we love each other (see, I said it was hard to explain) and there's actually nothing to argue about.

  10. #10
    Senior Member KayLRZ's Avatar
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    We have SO many of these things we do to each other. My favorite thing (aside from tricking him into carrying my purse) is when he's built/moved/fixed something I've asked him to. Then after all his effort I'll say, "Ah, ya know...I really liked it the other way better."

    For some reason it always catches him off guard. So it's very satisfying.

    This all started years ago when we were at a baseball game at Tropicana Field. I saw the cotton candy vendor quite a few sections over, and said, (now don't be haters) "Oh, cotton candy!" So he gets up and goes after the guy. Well, the guy kept moving in the direction AWAY from our seats and so DH must've been gone about 15 min (an inning or so). He finally comes back with the cotton candy and I said, "Oh, ya know, I really didn't want any." Insert grinding of teeth....
    Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love! -- Sitting Bull

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